Practical Spirituality for Everyday LivingScience of Mind Teachings
Rev. Suzanne Grace Rolle, Spiritual Director
Sunday Service held in the Lakeside Room/Regional Park
3770 Richardson Dr. Auburn, CA 95602
Celebration Service Sundays at 10:30 am | or join us on Facebook Live
Children’s Church and Meditation suspended due to COVID.
Mailing Address: PO Box 7634 Auburn, CA 95604
Donate Online
Sunday Services
Listen to Talks
Prayer Pick-Me-Up
Something wonderful is always on the verge of happening! Find out what it is!
If you like Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, or the movie, The Secret, you’ll love our Center for Spiritual Living, in Auburn. We are a New Thought community that studies the philosophy of Ernest Holmes, and also Transcendental relatives such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and others. We provide spiritual tools for personal transformation, and it is our intention to help make the world a better place.
We extend a warm welcome to people of all religious backgrounds and faiths in search of a spiritual community where they are respected and accepted for who they are. We aim to inspire and support each and every person in growing into their highest potential. FCSL is a place to make friends, share experiences with like-minded people, and know the power and presence of God in your daily life.

Rev. Suzanne Grace Rolle was appointed as the Spiritual Director / Senior Minister, March 2024. Rev. Suzanne is an ordained Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL) minister and licensed spiritual practitioner. She graduated from Emerson Theological Institute and did advanced ministerial training through the Holmes School of Spiritual Leadership.
Rev. Suzanne served on the CSL World Ministry of Prayer for six years.
As a motivational speaker, author and teacher, Rev. Suzanne creates circles of learning opportunities about spiritual practices and principles that provide individuals with guidance for self-discovery and well-being. She has a successful Life Coaching private practice and continues to teach yoga and meditation. Her offerings are both virtual and in-person.
Rev. Suzanne’s ministry: The Trinity Waltz / Inner Evolution ~ Outer Transformation of Body, Mind, Soul Spirit
Contact: suzanne@graceinspire.com
We thank and celebrate Rev. Magie Buck for having served as our Spiritual Leader at FCSL for 15 years!

Sunday Services
You are welcome to join us every Sunday at 10:30 for a heart-opening experience; including live music from awesome local musicians, an inspiring talk relevant to practical spirituality, contemplative prayer time and joyful fellowship. We are a vibrant Center!

Sundays at 10:00 a.m

Celebration Service
Sundays at 10:30 a.m
We invite you to visit our new sacred sanctuary in Regional Park, off Dry Creek Rd. in North Auburn. Enjoy a walking path around the lake and a year-round creek that meanders through the park—plenty of parking and easy access. A breath of fresh air awaits you.
We welcome you to be blessed in our new sanctuary.
Centers for Spiritual Living
Our MISSION is to provide spiritual tools for personal and global transformation.
Our PURPOSE is to awaken humanity to its spiritual magnificence.
Our VISION is a world that works for everyone.