Request A Prayer

Our Ministry of Prayer is always available.
We offer the sacred service of prayer for you.
If you are in need of prayer, FCSL invites you to connect with Rev. Suzanne, or one of our Spiritual Practitioners.
You can fill out the prayer box request form below and know that your request will be prayed on for 30 days. Or if you prefer a phone call, let us know.
All correspondence is confidential. We are here for you.
Daily Prayer Pick-Me-Up
Prayer Library
Coming soon!
There is only one. One presence, one consciousness, one source and creator of all that is. It brings the invisible into form. It is compassion, unconditional love, inherent in all beingness. It is called mother father God, everywhere present, the known and the yet to be known.
It is the source of my being. I am an individual expression of it. It is every part of my seen and unseen being, as my body, heart and soul. I am Inseparable from this my good.
With this awareness I am filled with gratitude. I affirm my intention to maintain a daily practice of gratitude. I notice and share with my spiritual community how this benefits my life as it informs my attitudes, and perspective. I allow generosity and appreciation to express ever more fully in my life. I am willing to let go of anything unlike my good, making more space for goodness and gratitude to express in around through and as me.
I am excited and expectant with this shift in consciousness. It is already known and done in God. And so it is.
–written by Rev. Magie Buck
As I sit in quiet contemplation of all the wondrous and amazing events of life, I recognize the Power operating back of those events.
I know God as the operator and the operation of life. I know GOD as the source and supply of everything within the entire universe. The seen and the unseen are all God.
I recognize the essence of GOD expressing itself as all life, as my life, as the lives of everyone reading these words.
I bask in deep feelings of connection and unity as I recognize all as a unique and divine expression of the One.
I know these words, inspired by Spirit, are uplifted by the wondrous web of life.
I accept that all I see is connected. The abundance and prosperity of nature reminds me of the ever giving-ness of God that surrounds me and is within all of life.
AS I open to a greater expression of All that is, I experience the magnificence of life emerging in me and around me. I know all of Life emerges in wondrous, life-affirming, and inspiring ways. This that I desire, desires me.
I feel GOD expressing Itself as the source of my prosperity, my Joy, my LOVE. The infinite and unrestricted supply of abundance, prosperity, light, beauty, wealth, and well-being is mine NOW.
ALL IS GOD. In every moment there exists no limits, no lack, only opportunity, only abundance, and prosperity is mine now
I claim this now and always with a sense of absolute confidence and assurance that everything necessary for the complete fulfillment is available in my life, NOW!
I see GOD as the wellspring of all things-all knowing, all wisdom, and prosperity. I now open my heart and mind to these words of Truth . . . ALL IS WELL in my world
I rest in a sense of gratitude for this Truth, I am open and receptive for Greater Good. Most especially I am grateful to Spirit expressing in my life.
I release my word into the ever-creative action of LAW, with complete faith and trust knowing it is done, and so I let it BE.
As I recognize the One Power and Presence as God, Divine Creator, Spirit – I know that by whatever name, it is an intelligent, loving, comforting, whole and complete energy.
I am one with the One, a unique expression of all that It is. I live and breath within this infinite field of wholeness. There is a perfect intelligence within my body and I celebrate my health.
Divine Love floods my consciousness with health and every cell, fiber, organ, bone, gland is filled with light and belongs to the rhythm of Life.
There is one Divine circulation flowing through me right now. There is perfect circulation, perfect assimilation, perfect elimination. My physical body is a temple of the Living Spirit which sustains it, rebuilds it, enlivens it after the image of Its own perfection, and keeps it in perfect health, harmony and wholeness.
Today, I identify my body with the action of God, the radiant Life of the Divine. Today, I identify my physical body with my spiritual body, claiming they are one and the same.
I let go of any beliefs about illness and disease, they have no power over me. Right thinking is spiritual medicine. I choose health. I have more faith in God than in any disease or disfunction because God is my loving, guiding partner.
I expand my awareness into the field of possibility, of health, rejuvenation and wholeness and I praise the health of God in my body.
My body is designed to heal and reveal vitality. My natural state is health! I accept healing and well-being in all ways.
God is my source, it supports me and never fails me.
I am grateful for this breath, I am grateful for this Life. I am grateful for my new mindset. How good it feels to trust my partnership with Life in demonstrating my health!
The cells in my body are jumping for joy at this knowing of truth.
I release my words to the powerful activity of Divine Mind/God, knowing the Law responds with a Yes. I let go and let God.
Inner Peace
As I take a deep breath, I am poised and established in God’s perfect peace. No longer does the world confuse or upset me, for now I am secure in Truth.
Today, I dedicate myself to peace, order and harmony. I have faith that the action of God in my mind is one of peace.
“He leadeth me besides the still waters” Psalm 23. I know the still waters are deep within me, and I am refreshed as I draw from them.
In the midst of me is the stillness of God/Love, where all ideas await my acceptance. Calmly and quietly I take from this inner Spirit of good.
There is nothing to disrupt, confuse or annoy me. Order reigns in my experience and Law brings forth every thought.
The Holy Spirit of right action dominates my thinking and I am poised in perfect results. No matter what tries to disturb me, I see it as nothing
God’s healing power flows through me as I accept it and I am healed. I feel this inner peace, not only in my body, but flowing through my mind.
I know that whoever contacts me senses this peace, and knows that it is from God. I have peace in my life today and I give peace to all.
I affirm: I am peace. I radiate peace.
My subconscious accepts this claim I make upon it, and brings it forth.
Peace, being the action of God, is omnipotent in my world today. I give thanks for this gift of peace.
(from Ernest Holmes/ “Richer Living”)
New Job
written by Rev. Suzanne Grace Rolle
As I recognize the One Power, One Presence, One Infinite Intelligence that supports all of Life, I am grateful to know that Life/God supports me.
I give thanks that I am connected to and unified with the One and since there is no limit to God, to this Life, there is an unlimited supply of good for me.
I now open myself to a new job, a work environment that is perfectly suited to my skills and talents. I deserve work that interests and satisfies me.
I am available to new job opportunities being revealed to me and I allow myself to be guided to it.
As any doubts or fears melt away, doors open for me. Clarity and intuition guide me. I attract the perfect opportunities, the right ideas and the right resources for my next and highest creative expression.
I feel the excitement of new employment that uses all of my gifts. Right now, that perfect job FOR me is seeking me.
I am so thankful for realizing that all is possible, to have work that makes me happy, valued and compensated well.
I give thanks, knowing that the universe is rearranging itself right here and now to bring my new job and me together in Divine alignment.
I trust Life and the Law to deliver what is right for me, into the form I seek or better. I look forward to sharing my very best self!
I claim: I have perfect work, in a perfect way; I give a perfect service, for perfect pay!
I release my powerful words with faith, into the loving Law and simply let go and let God. Thank you Life!
And so it is.
As I sit in quiet contemplation of all the wondrous and amazing events of life, I recognize the Power operating back of those events.
I know God as the operator and the operation of life. I know GOD as the source and supply of everything within the entire universe. The seen and the unseen are all God.
I recognize the essence of GOD expressing itself as all life, as my life, as the lives of everyone reading these words.
I bask in deep feelings of connection and unity as I recognize all as a unique and divine expression of the One.
I know these words, inspired by Spirit, are uplifted by the wondrous web of life.
I accept that all I see is connected. The abundance and prosperity of nature reminds me of the ever giving-ness of God that surrounds me and is within all of life.
AS I open to a greater expression of All that is, I experience the magnificence of life emerging in me and around me. I know all of Life emerges in wondrous, life-affirming, and inspiring ways. This that I desire, desires me.
I feel GOD expressing Itself as the source of my prosperity, my Joy, my LOVE. The infinite and unrestricted supply of abundance, prosperity, light, beauty, wealth, and well-being is mine NOW.
ALL IS GOD. In every moment there exists no limits, no lack, only opportunity, only abundance and prosperity is mine now
I claim this now and always with a sense of absolute confidence and assurance that everything necessary for the complete fulfillment is available in my life, NOW!
I see GOD as the wellspring of all things-all knowing, all wisdom, and prosperity. I now open my heart and mind to these words of Truth . . . ALL IS WELL in my world
I rest in a sense of gratitude for this Truth, I am open and receptive for greater Good. Most especially I am grateful to Spirit expressing in my life.
I release my word into the ever-creative action of LAW, with complete faith and trust knowing it is done, and so I let it BE.
-written by Rev. Magie Buck
Release of Grief
There is a powerful, loving Presence guiding and evolving in and through everything.
It is the beauty of a sunset, it is the strength of the redwood, it is the compassion we hold in times of sorrow and it is the soft touch of another’s hand.
That Love, that Presence is here now, guiding and supporting and comforting to each in its own way.
Though there is great sadness in the loss of our loved one, we can call upon our inner strength to lovingly remember and recall their wonderful life;
the sweet moments, the sound of laughter, the shared tears, the joys. These are all the fabric of life, stitched together in a unique tapestry.
And since the power of the One is in all things, at all times, then the spirit and strength and love of our beloved ones is always connected in heart, mind and spirit.
Though a physical presence may have left; the remembrance, the spirit, the way our lives have been touched by them can never be lost or taken away.
Allowing this time of grief to work its healing through the power of Love, you can also allow the comfort of friends and family who are close at hand, to bring comfort, compassion and understanding to you now as you open to the healing of your heart.
May you be blessed, may you be filled with loving kindness, may you be peaceful and may you be at ease. Know that God’s loving arms surround you in this tender time.
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